The mind contains within it the entirety of human experience and then some.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Respect is such an interesting and ephemeral notion. We all want it, and we all should give it, but we all seem to have different notions of what it means in a practical sense. I am currently ensconced in some exceedingly frustrating and immature drama with a person who demands they be given all proper respect while they are seemingly incapable of showing even the slightest hint of respect to anyone else.

Ultimately I am forcing my brain to thank the universe for yet another chance to practice my patience (I need a lot of practice). However I am continually struck by the oddness of this persons apparent belief that there is no problem with taking and never giving. This is, I think, a common failing that reaches into the very heart of the human psyche. We would all love free energy wouldn't we?

I would like to be evolved enough to give this person the respect they so desperately crave without expecting any reciprocal courtesy, alas I am stuck in my self and so find that I will not allow any abuse of my kindness. Antagonistic? Perhaps.

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