The mind contains within it the entirety of human experience and then some.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Eyes Front

I find technology to be a frustrating in the extreme. So convenient and yet so mundane and also quite destructive in many many ways. What are we doing here? Is the best we can manage really a pretty fast explosion based propulsion system? Is getting news and entertainment in an instant really an advantage? Is anybody in control or our development as a species or are we all just enjoying a headlong rush into oblivion and hoping that we will get off the ride before it crashes?

What is one to do but sigh and hope for a benign alien empire to enfold our planet and correct our wayward nonsense.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Go Leafs Go

Unabashed I pronounce Go Leafs Go! Given my love of said hockey team I am pleased to say that when the NHL failed to broadcast the fairly purchased Leafs game the GameCenter chat board was flushed with commiseration.

Did the influx of woe catch someones attention? Did dear Brian Burke plan a delay in the connection to prove a point? Go Leafs Go either way.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Money for nothing

I find myself weighed down by the evil nature of money today. Why must our hard work and energy be transferred and returned to us as a numerical value? Why are some given energy for little or no effort while others need to break themselves for just enough energy to power their survival? Why are their institutions that are designed to syphon our energy? and why are they sanctioned by the powers that we give trade our energy to for protection? Please answer me this question anonymous god of internet intelligence. As an aside, does naming a god create them or must they exist to plant the seed in our imagination?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Survival of the witless

I was treated to a very racially charged political debate today and as I was listening I couldn't help but think of the aggression being spewed about and how little it had to do with practical survival. This got me thinking of how survival in this era has very little to do with survival in a classic natural sense, and yet for all the differences the rules are brutally simple and concise.

If you can accept the notion of growth and change separate from the theory of evolution I think you have to question the values we have collectively chosen to exalt as a species. Viscous cold hearted cutthroat convoluted trickery should not be a solid tactical approach to ones dealings with others, but it is.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Green light for Red

I have often wonder, without any sense of controversy, who exactly benefits from the outlawing of prostitution?

Certainly not the one who lacks the social or physical graces to inspire consensual sex without overt payment. And also not the one who wishes to afford a certain lifestyle yet lacks the necessary intellect or drive to earn a living in some other manner. In fact it just struck me that some terrible harm is being done to the psyche of these individuals through the criminalization of their instinctual imperative in a world that embraces monetary trade.

Imagine how you may feel it was illegal to hire someone to clean your house, but you did it anyway. For years hiding from your friends and family that you don't ever clean the bathtub or vacuum the rug. I am sure that sort of pressure would eat at a person of conscience. And how about having to hide from your children the fact that the food they are eating was earned through folding and dusting for a stranger.

Wouldn't a safe work environment benefit prostitutes and their clients? And what about a fair wage for the prostitute themselves instead of the current pimpery which our government practically sanctions through their morality based legal system.

I ask again who is being protected by these morals?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Manifest your own destiny.

Wouldn't it be neat if vast pissed off middle class in the United States all got together online and formed a new party to compete with the the elephant and the donkey? They wouldn't even need any sort of campaign funds or anything. Just hold an online poll of who people would like to see as president and then at election day everyone can write that name in and boom Jon Stewart is the president.

Do you think there might be a concerted effort to reform the stagnant political process that is U.S. democracy then?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Simple Really.

It is interesting how the world works in regards to lifestyle. I believe that today our lives are generally easy and at times maddeningly complex. Madness being an entirely personally subjective term. I would submit however that our lives are meant to be quite simple and relatively challenging. Relative to your individual ability to survive said challenges and so appreciate the hardship.

My evidence for this placidly bold statement is the impact of the aforementioned ease on our ability to use this planet to live on.

When we cherished our tribes fire as a living thing the planet could absorb the carbon emissions. By taking the easy way we have, one and all, and our fathers before us, doomed ourselves to a repetition of our species sad sad history.

I often wonder if it will be a sort of dark ages after the fall of the Roman empire kind of fall or will it be the kind of fall that preceded the birth of Sumer. Only time will tell I guess.